iphone-x-mockup-scene@2x (1).png

UX Design- CoachPlan App




Problem Statement

This was a concept project where I needed to provide a digital solution to the following problem:

Fitness coaches need a way to easily collect and organize all information about their clients’ training and progress in one place because it would allow them to write better workouts, save time, and achieve better results.


User Research


4 Interviews

4 Different Coaches


I conducted interviews with coaches, each one specializing in a different area of fitness.

  • A set of questions regarding their methods for writing training programs provided me with enough insight to confirm and polish my problem statement.

  • I proceeded to organize the results from the interviews into separate groups using digital post-it notes which helped me visualize my findings.

Affinity map.png
Affinity map2.png
user flow2.png

Application Flow

Each task in the app was designed to be a straight forward process from beginning to end. The app provides 3 main actions:

  • Create a Resource (video instruction or written description)

  • Create a Workout (written description of a group of exercises)

  • Create a Client (Collection of information for each trainer’s athlete)



Low fidelity wireframes helped conceptualized the requirements discovered during the initial user research phase and allowed me to validate my design early in the process.


High Fidelity Wireframes

The User Testing phase, uncovered some areas of improvement and helped me better understand the user needs. I then took the results from the user testing and incorporated them into my designs this time yielding high fidelity wireframes.

Sign in.png


I created a prototype that shows in detail the behavior of the application and how each interaction is supposed to work.

Final PRototype.png